AmyloGraph version: 0.5.2. Last built: 2023-06-08.
AmyloGraph is a database of interactions between amyloid proteins. Curators of AmyloGraph manually gather data from the the published research literature and community data submissions. To learn more about AmyloGraph, its usage and the process of data curation, visit our online manual.
Interaction data in AmyloGraph can be downloaded in a .csv format. However, you can also use database locally as an R package. For more information, visit our repository.
Frequently asked questions
How can I submit my own data?
The submission form is available online.
Why interactions reported in my publications are wrongly annotated?
We try our best by implementing a rigorous and transparent two-step data curation procedure, but despite these measures, we are still prone to errors. Please send an email to Michal Burdukiewicz with correctly annotated interactions. Remember to mention their AmyloGraph IDs.
Video tutorial
To learn more about AmyloGraph, watch our introductory video:
Burdukiewicz M, Rafacz D, Barbach A, Hubicka K, Bakala L, Lassota A, Stecko J, Szymanska N, Wojciechowski J, Kozakiewicz D, Szulc N, Chilimoniuk J, Jeskowiak I, Gasior-Glogowska M, Kotulska M (2022). AmyloGraph: A comprehensive database of amyloid-amyloid interactions. Nucleic Acid Research, 10.1093/nar/gkac882.
For general questions or problems with the data or database, please email Michal Burdukiewicz.
AmyloGraph is partially supported by the grant no. 2019/35/B/NZ2/03997 (National Science Center) to MaĆgorzata Kotulska. Access to Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is greatly acknowledged. We also thank Daniel Otzen (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Vytautas Smirnovas (University of Vilnus, Lithuania) for fruitful discussions.